All photography provided by FDNY Photo Unit
Since 2015, in collaboration with the FDNY Foundation and the American Cancer Society (Greater New York Chapter), we have led the efforts to permanently support cancer awareness, prevention and research for our uniformed first responders, our civilian members of the department and their families diagnosed with cancer. We have been at the forefront protecting our members through our screening and early detection programs.
Our Mission
The goal of this initiative is to prevent, educate and advocate the importance of annual medical exams. We remind our FDNY community to participate in the preventative screenings and programs created by the department such as: smoking cessation, mammograms, low dose CT scans for at-risk members, endoscopes and colonoscopies. The yearly medicals that take place under our medical monitoring program include blood/labs and chest x-rays. The combinations of the screenings and yearly medicals have led to the early detection of various cancers. The mission of FIRED UP for a CURE is primarily to inspire our members and their families, as well as show our admiration for their daily strength, courage and the resolve demonstrated by those who have lived with cancer, fought with cancer, survived cancer, or lost their battle with cancer.
Our secondary mission is to empower our cancer survivors to embrace life beyond having a cancer diagnosis. Fired Up for a Cure aims to show cancer survivors how to overcome the psychological and physical challenges of cancer treatment through teamwork and strong interpersonal support from a network of their fellow survivors. As Oncology Case Managers, the compassion we feel for all those touched by cancer (from the cancer survivor, to those who worry and care for a cancer sufferer, to those who want to help and those who have suffered the loss of a loved one to cancer) has a huge impact on our work.
Indirectly, our mission is to motivate others not directly affected by cancer (especially local businesses and for-profit organizations/businesses), to collaborate, donate, and/or sponsor our events that encourage and uplift our community. In doing this, we are building awareness of the presence cancer has in the lives of our members and providing the critical financial support to the four organizations (FDNY Foundation - Family Assistance Unit; FDNY Fire Family Transport Foundation; The Ray Pfeifer Foundation; and the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge) that step in to assist our families with services and medical equipment not covered by insurance. This is the hope we carry for the recovery of every individual struggling with cancer and the finding of a cure.
“The FDNY World Trade Center Health Program and the Cancer Care Team has helped over 2000 members overcome some of the emotional and financial hardships associated with this difficult disease. They inspire everyone to care for their health and take the appropriate steps to screen for cancer.”
What We've Achieved
Transportation to and from radiation therapy treatments for active members and their families
Financial coverage for medical equipment and services that are generally out of pocket expenses for patients (i.e. Lymphedema garments, Additional Home Health Aide Hours for hospice patients, etc..)
Lodging at the NYC HOPE LODGE for immune-compromised patients that are post transplant through partnership with the American Cancer Society
Education materials on various cancers displayed/distributed to patients at fundraising events
Cancer treatment education materials distributed to newly diagnosed members and their families to keep them informed.
Cancer Screenings and healthy lifestyle promotion seminars to keep civilian and uniformed members engaged on cancer prevention techniques.
Education Scholarships and financial benefits to the widows and children of ill and fallen uniformed members.