This photograph was provided by Dominique Joseph
You can HELP US make a difference. Support our first responders and help us show them we will never forget the sacrifices they've made. We will continue to do all we can so that one day we can EXTINGUISH CANCER!
Your donation allows us to connect our first responders and their families with the proper tools and resources when they are diagnosed with cancer. With your help, we can continue to create partnerships around the community, provide our members with transportation to and from their appointments, fund research to find a cure, purchase medical equipment and services not available through insurance and support the foundations that help us take care of our ill/fallen members and their families. We run projects/events with our partners, seeking the most productive, engaging and constructive solutions.
Donations in support of FIRED UP CURE can be mailed to: FDNY Foundation 9 MetroTech Center RM 5E-09 Brooklyn, NY 11201 or make an on-line donation and be sure to select the ‘FIRED UP for a CURE’ from the drop down.
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